Springhare – African Springhare

Springhare – African Springhare


Full Body Mount on Base
Overall Size: W. 19″ D. 12″ H. 14″

1 in stock

88005-065. 1 in stock N/A 15 lbs , . , , , .


SPRING HARE- Springhares are found locally in the semiarid steppes and dry savannas of Kenya and Tanzania as well as in Southwestern Africa. Their distribution is scattered and limited to open areas free of rocks and large bushes (which would interfere with their leaping) and with sandy soil. It is a natural and enthusiastic jumper and can jump huge heights and distances even covering as much as 2-3 meters in a single leap! It is the only mammal to have a septum in its lower trachea. Other than springhare, this physical characteristic is found only in birds.