


Istiophorus | Full Body Mount
Size: H.50″ W.110″ L.8″

1 in stock

88266-043. 1 in stock N/A 120 lbs , . , , , .


SAILFISH – Sailfish are the fastest fish in the ocean and have been clocked leaping out of the water at more than 68 mi (110 km) per hour. Sailfish are found in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans with different scientific names assigned to the fish in either ocean (Pacific – Istiophorus albicans; Atlantic – Istiophorus platypterus). Sailfish can hatch just 36 hours of being laid. They are fast growers, with a hatchling reaching up to 6 feet long in one year! They’ve also been observed using their long, sharp bills to stun and skewer their prey.